The Parasite is a South Korean film directed by Bong Joon-ho. It premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on May 21, 2019, and was released in South Korea by CJ Entertainment on May 30, 2019. The movie has a black comedy style that shows dark humor, poverty, discrimination, sexual activity, violence, and death.
Watching the film was both entertaining and terrifying. As a viewer, I would say the director was a genius at using metaphorical elements (from the title itself). Hence, the story became more unpredictable and I did not expect a mind-blowing plot twist. On the one hand, the camera angles, color scheme, and lighting are commendable. The film score also established the mood wherein the director used a high orchestral sound to create tension and excitement. Besides, the characters played a vital role in building the story. For me, each actor fits effectively.
When it comes to the negative side of the movie, I would say the idea of social class between the rich and poor is a bit cliché. But I realized that the film wants to deliver a message concerning a lot of social issues —specifically inequality. For instance, the rainy scene represents both the wealthy and the poor. Rain is a blessing for the Park Family but it is a danger for the Kim Family, as it brings disasters such as floods.
In conclusion, the film Parasite is one best South Korean films in history. I commend the director, writer, actors, and staff for creating this masterpiece. They showed a powerful visual and message which is an important element of an award-winning film. So, I recommend Parasite to everyone, especially to people who love tackling social issues.